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Clay Animals

This page is to show another medium I have started working in, polymer clay, a very versatile clay that can be baked in a conventional home oven, so no need for expensive kilns. It's very easy to work and can also be formed around a wire armature and bulked out with tin foil.  I find this art form very therapeutic and can be enjoyed with the minimum of tools. 


This is based on the old-type German Shepherd, that were much more robust and without the exaggerated back legs and roached backs, which I think have spoilt the breed.  These dogs were originally herding and guardian dogs, so were fit and able. This photo was taken just after baking and was ready for colouring.

Alsation Chicktin Creations_edited.jpg

I decided to give it a faux-bronze finish. Having not done this before, YouTube was a good place to look for lessons. This effect is achieved by covering with many layers, first Gesso, then dark paints, then metallic paints for the bronze look. I'm really pleased with the results. It really looks like metal!

German Shepherd Chicktin Creations.heic

For anyone interested in the complete painting faux verdigris process, this was the video I used.

How to Create Verdigris Effect Using Acryllic Paints.

Channel; Mixed Media Arts & Crafts.

Link below

Thylacine Chicktin Creations.heic

I like to believe Thylacines still exist. I hope they have managed to find a safe place away from man.  I follow YT channels who claim to have found tracks in Tasmania and Australia! I even have a couple of friends who have seen one. It was a travesty how they became (officially) extinct, that the Tasmanian government put the price of £1 for every one killed from 1888 through to 1909 . £1 would have been a lot of money back in the 1888. The last known living Tasmanian Tiger was shot in 1930. The last captive Thylacine died in Holbart Zoo in 1936.

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